Detailed information
Mag. Dr. Ulrike Bechtold
Winter term 2024
300016 VO Transition Studies I
300508 VO Methoden der Humanökologie
Summer term 2024
300007 PP Projektpraktikum II: Humanökologie und Osteologie - (in 2 Parallelen)
1 - 10 out of 10
Bechtold, U., Fieder, M., & Stauder, N. (2024). Attitudes towards Technology: Insights on Rarely Discussed Influences on Older Adults’ Willingness to Adopt Active Assisted Living (AAL). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Bechtold, U., Stauder, N., Fieder, M., & Wilfing, H. (2022). Stuck in the Present: A Human Lack of Ability to Visualise (Different) Needs in the Future May Hamper Timely Implementation of AAL and Supportive Technology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), Article 6804.
Cepic, M., Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2022). Modelling human influences on biodiversity at a global scale–A human ecology perspective. Ecological Modelling, 465, Article 109854.
Bechtold, U., Stauder, N., & Fieder, M. (2021). Let’s Walk It: Mobility and the Perceived Quality of Life in Older Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), Article 11515.
Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2016). Limits of Public Participation for Complex Policy Problems. Individual Freedom vs. Common Interest in the Context of Building Wind Energy Farms. Technology Centre ASCR.
Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). Freiheit und Verantwortung - Gedanken über den Freiheitsbegriff im Spannungsfeld nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 3-4/2014, 549 - 560.
Fieder, M., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). The Demographics of Aging in China and Europe. In Austria and Ciina. Societies in Change nwRecht.
Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2012). The role of visualisation within sustainability evaluation processes. In Governance for Evaluation by Sustainable Development: Institutional Capacities and Learning (pp. 285-303). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Kastenhofer, K., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2011). Sustaining Sustainability Science: The role of established interdisciplines. Ecological Economics, 836-842.
1 - 10 out of 10
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien