Detailed information

Mag. Dr. Ulrike Bechtold
Winter term 2024
Summer term 2024
1 - 10 out of 10

Fieder, M., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). The Demographics of Aging in China and Europe. In Austria and Ciina. Societies in Change nwRecht.

Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2012). The role of visualisation within sustainability evaluation processes. In Governance for Evaluation by Sustainable Development: Institutional Capacities and Learning (pp. 285-303). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Seidler, H., Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2006). Man-Nature: Leymebamba. Unknown publisher.

1 - 10 out of 10

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology

Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien