Detailed information
Mag. Martin Dockner
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Winter term 2024
1 - 10 out of 10
Tejero, J.-M., Cheronet, O., Gelabert, P., Zagorc, B., Álvarez-Fernández, E., Arias, P., Averbouh, A., Bar-Oz, G., Barzilai, O., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bosch, M. D., Brück, F., Cueto, M., Dockner, M., Fullola, J. M., Gárate, D., Giannakoulis, M., González, C., Jakeli, N., ... Pinhasi, R. (2024). Cervidae antlers exploited to manufacture prehistoric tools and hunting implements as a reliable source of ancient DNA. Heliyon, 10(11), Article e31858.,
Tejero, J.-M., Cheronet, O., Gelabert, P., Zagorc, B., Alvarez, E., Averbouh, A., Bar-Oz, G., Belfer-Cohen, A., Bosch, M. D., Brück, F., Cueto, M., Dockner, M., Fullola, J. M., Gárate, D., Giannakoulis, M., González, C., Jakeli, N., Mangado, X., Meshveliani, T., ... Pinhasi, R. (2023). A minimally-invasive method for ancient DNA sampling of Prehistoric bone and antler tools and hunting weapons. bioRxiv.
Vekszler, G., Granner, M., Valenzuela, E. N., Winter, E., Dockner, M., Weber, G. W., Pretterklieber, M., Teschler-Nicola, M., & Pietschmann, P. (2022). Microarchitecture of historic bone samples with tuberculosis. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 134(11-12), 449-457.
Nebot, E., Heimel, P., Tangl, S., Dockner, M., Patsch, J., Weber, G., Pretterklieber, M. L., Teschler-Nicola, M., & Pietschmann, P. (2019). Paget´s Disease of long bones: Microstructural analyses of historical bone samples. Calcified Tissue International, 105(1), 15-25.
Vekszler, G., Nebot Valenzuela, E., Dockner, M., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., Weber, G., Teschler-Nicola, M., Pretterklieber, M. L., & Pietschmann, P. (2019). Microstructural Analyses of Historic Bone Samples with Tuberculosis: ECTS 2019 11-14 May 2019, Budapest, Hungary 46th European Calcified Tissue Society Congress. Calcified Tissue International, 104, 140. Article P286.
Nebot, E., Dockner, M., Patsch, J., Weber, G., Winter, E., Teschler-Nicola, M., Pretterklieber, M. L., & Pietschmann, P. (2016). Bone microstructure in historic bone samples with Paget's disease: Preliminary findings. Retreat of the Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, 62.
Lamm, C., Dockner, M., Pospischek, B., Winter, E., Patzak, B., Pretterklieber, M. L., Weber, G., & Pietschmann, P. (2015). Micro-CT analyses of historical bone samples presenting with osteomyelitis. Skeletal Radiology, 44(10), 1507-1514. Article 44.
Nagel, D., Engelbrecht, A., & Dockner, M. (2014). Populations Variations in Extant and Fossil Spotted Hyenas (Crocuta crocuta). Paper presented at XX. International Cave Bear Symposium, 2014, Corvara (South Tyrol, Italy), Italy.
Schamall, D., Dockner, M., Pietschmann, P., Teschler-Nicola, M., & Moser, D. C. (2012). Diagnosis of contact injuries in a mediaeval skeleton
analysed by μCT and histology. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 162(17-18), 386-393.
Dockner, M., & Nagel, D. (2005). Computertomographie on Hyenas. In B. Hubmann, & W. Piller (Eds.), 75. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft: Graz, 27. August - 2. September 2005 ; Beitragskurzfassungen (pp. 12). Inst. für Erdwissenschaften, Bereich Geologie und Paläontologie, Karl-Franzens-Univ. Graz .
1 - 10 out of 10
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien
Room: 5.142
T: +43-1-4277-54715