Detailed information
Cinzia Fornai, PhD
Winter term 2024
Simma-Kletschka, I., Artacker, N., Balla, M., Oellerer, N., Piehslinger, E., & Fornai, C. (2023). Initial therapeutic approaches for orofacial myofascial pain: three pilot studies. Cranio : the journal of craniomandibular practice, 1-13. Advance online publication.
Fornai, C. (2023). An evolutionary perspective on craniomandibular dysfunctions. Bulletin of the International Association for Paleodontology, 17(1), 1-12.
Fornai, C., Oppermann, NJ., Tester, I., Parlett, K., Elnager, MH., Kusnoto, B., & Sanchez, FJ. (2023). Robert M. Ricketts and Rudolf Slavicek: dentistry by the rules of nature. The Angle Orthodontist.
Fornai, C. (Accepted/In press). Why Anthropologists and Dentists Should Work in Synergy to Improve Oral Health (in Latin America). Revista Argentina de Antropología Biologica.
Frémondière, P., Thollon, L., Marchal, F., Fornai, C., Webb, N. M., & Haeusler, M. (2022). Dynamic finite-element simulations reveal early origin of complex human birth pattern. Communications Biology, 5(1), Article 377.
Fornai, C., Tester, I., Parlett, K., Basili, C., & Costa, H. N. (2022). Centric relation: A matter of form and substance. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 49(7), 687-690.
May, H., Sarig, R., Weber, G. W., Fornai, C., Martinon-Torres, M., Bermudez De Castro, J. M., Zaidner, Y., & Hershkovitz, I. (2022). A new Levantine Middle Pleistocene paleodeme: the Nesher Ramla Homo. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177, 117-117.
Simkova, P. G., Wurm, L., Fornai, C., & Weber, G. W. (2022). Modern human upper premolar shape does not reflect their geographical origin. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177, 168-168.
Krenn, V. A., Webb, N. M., Fornai, C., & Haeusler, M. (2022). Sex classification using the human sacrum: Geometric morphometrics versus conventional approaches. PLoS ONE, 17(4 April 2022), Article e0264770.
Krenn, V. A., Fornai, C., Webb, N. M., Woodert, M. A., Prosch, H., & Haeusler, M. (2022). The morphological consequences of segmentation anomalies in the human sacrum. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 177(4), 690-707.
Londoño , A., Assis , M., Fornai, C., & Greven, M. (2022). Premolar extraction affects mandibular kynematics. European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry .
Krenn, V., Fornai, C., Webb, N. M., & Häusler, M. (2022). Sex determination accuracy in a Central European sample using the human sacrum. Anthropologischer Anzeiger.
May, H., Sarig, R., Pokhojaev, A., Fornai, C., Martinon-Torres, M., Bermudez de Castro, J. M., Weber, G. W., Zaidner, Y., & Hershkovitz, I. (2021). Response to Comment on "A Middle Pleistocene Homo from Nesher Ramla, Israel". Science, 374(6572), 1-5.
Sarig, R., Fornai, C., Pokhojaev , A., May, H., Hans, M., Latimer, B., Barzilai, O., Quam, R., & Weber, G. (2021). The dental remains from the Early Upper Paleolithic of Manot Cave, Israel. Journal of Human Evolution, 160, Article 102648.
Haeusler, M., Grunstra, N., Martin, R. D., Krenn, V., Fornai, C., & Webb, N. M. (2021). The obstetrical dilemma hypothesis: there’s life in the old dog yet. Biological Reviews, 96(5), 2031–2057.
Hershkovitz, I., May, H., Sarig, R., Pokhojaev, A., Grimaud-Herve, D., Bruner, E., Fornai, C., Quam, R., Arsuaga, J. L., Krenn, V. A., Martinon-Torres, M., Bermudez de Castro, J. M., Martin-Frances, L., Sion, V., Albessard-Ball, L., Vialet, A., Schueler, T., Manzi, G., Profico, A., ... Zaidner, Y. (2021). A Middle Pleistocene Homo from Nesher Ramla, Israel. Science, 372(6549), 1424-1428.
Fornai, C., Krenn, V. A., Mitteroecker, P., Webb, N. M., & Haeusler, M. (2021). Sacrum morphology supports taxonomic heterogeneity of "Australopithecus africanus" at Sterkfontein Member 4. Communications Biology, 4(1), Article 347.
Haeusler, M., Webb, N. M., Krenn, V. A., & Fornai, C. (2020). Locomotor and taxonomic diversity of Sterkfontein hominins not supported by current trabecular evidence of the femoral head. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 117(46), 28568-28569.
Halasz, V., Fornai, C., & Weber, G. (2020). Modern human molar morphology does not reveal geographical origin. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(S69), 112. Article 171.
Sarig, R., Fornai, C., May, H., Barzilai, O., & Weber, G. (2020). Program of the 89th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(S69), 247.
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien
Room: 5.118