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Mag. Dr. Philipp Gunz, Privatdoz.
Winter term 2024
1 - 20 out of 64
Weber, G., Hershkovitz, I., Gunz, P., Neubauer, S., Ayalon, A., Latimer, B., Bar-Matthews, M., Yasur, G., Barzilai, O., & May, H. (2020). Before the massive modern human dispersal into Eurasia: A 55,000-year-old partial cranium from Manot Cave, Israel. Quaternary International, 551, 29-39.

Gunz, P., Neubauer, S., Falk, D., Tafforeau, P., Le Cabec, A., Smith, T. M., Kimbel, W. H., Spoor, F., & Alemseged, Z. (2020). Australopithecus afarensis endocasts suggest ape-like brain organization and prolonged brain growth. Science Advances, 6(14), eaaz4729. Article eaaz4729.

Weber, G., Hershkovitz, I., Gunz, P., Neubauer, S., Ayalon, A., Latimer, B., Bar-Matthews, M., Yasur, G., Barzilai, O., & May, H. (2020). New analyses of the 55,000-year-old modern human partial cranium from Manot Cave, Israel. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 171(S69), 304.

Gunz, P., Kozakowski, S., Neubauer, S., Le Cabec, A., Kullmer, O., Benazzi, S., Hublin, J. J., & Begun, D. R. (2020). Skull reconstruction of the late Miocene ape Rudapithecus hungaricus from Rudabánya, Hungary. Journal of Human Evolution, 138, Article 102687.

Gunz, P., Tilot, A. K., Wittfeld, K., Teumer, A., Shapland, C. Y., van Erp, T. G. M., Dannemann, M., Vernot, B., Neubauer, S., Guadalupe, T., Fernández, G., Brunner, H. G., Enard, W., Fallon, J., Hosten, N., Völker, U., Profico, A., Di Vincenzo, F., Manzi, G., ... Fisher, S. E. (2019). Neandertal Introgression Sheds Light on Modern Human Endocranial Globularity. Current Biology, 29(1), 120-127.e5.

Scott, N. A., Strauss, A., Hublin, J. J., Gunz, P., & Neubauer, S. (2018). Covariation of the endocranium and splanchnocranium during great ape ontogeny. PLoS ONE, 13(12), Article e0208999.

Hublin, J. J., Ben-Ncer, A., Bailey, S. E., Freidline, S. E., Neubauer, S., Skinner, M. M., Bergmann, I., Le Cabec, A., Benazzi, S., Harvati, K., & Gunz, P. (2017). New fossils from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo sapiens. Nature, 546, 289-292.

Spoor, F., Gunz, P., Neubauer, S., Stelzer, S., Scott, N., Kwekason, A., & Dean, M. C. (2015). Reconstructed Homo habilis type OH 7 suggests deep-rooted species diversity in early Homo. Nature, 519(7541), 83-86.

Hershkovitz, I., Marder, O., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Yasur, G., Boaretto, E., Caracuta, V., Alex, B., Frumkin, A., Goder-Goldberger, M., Gunz, P., Holloway, R. L., Latimer, B., Lavi, R., Matthews, A., Slon, V., Mayer, D. B.-Y., Berna, F., Bar-Oz, G., ... Barzilai, O. (2015). Levantine cranium from Manot Cave (Israel) foreshadows the first European modern humans. Nature, 520(7546), 216-219. Article 520.

1 - 20 out of 64

Second to fourth digit ratio and face shape

Bernhard Fink (Speaker), Katrin Schäfer (Contributor), Karl Grammer (Contributor), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor), Philipp Gunz (Contributor), N Neave (Contributor), Fred Bookstein (Contributor), Horst Seidler (Contributor) & J T Manning (Contributor)

30 Mar 20052 Apr 2005

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

(Non)allometric craniofacial sexual dimorphism in hominoids

Katrin Schäfer (Speaker), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor), Philipp Gunz (Contributor), M. Bernhard (Contributor), Horst Seidler (Contributor) & Fred Bookstein (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Cranial sexual dimorphism, allometry and mating system among hominoids

Katrin Schäfer (Speaker), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor), Philipp Gunz (Contributor), M. Bernhard (Contributor) & Horst Seidler (Contributor)

17 Sept 2003

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Female attractiveness—Physical appearance as shape

Katrin Schäfer (Speaker), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor), Philipp Gunz (Contributor), Fred Bookstein (Contributor) & Karl Grammer (Contributor)

23 Apr 2003

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Does dental arch asymmetry in adriatic island populations reflect developmental instability?

Katrin Schäfer (Speaker), Tomislav Lauc (Contributor), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor) & Philipp Gunz (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Frontal cranial profiles of archaic and modern subadult and adult humans

Katrin Schäfer (Speaker), Horst Seidler (Contributor), Philipp Gunz (Contributor), Philipp Mitteroecker (Contributor), Hermann Prossinger (Contributor) & Gerhard Weber (Contributor)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Department of Evolutionary Anthropology

Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien