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Meriam Guellil, BA MSc PhD
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Hämmerle, M., Guellil, M., Trgovec-Greif, L., Cheronet, O., Sawyer, S., Ruiz-Gartzia, I., Lizano, E., Rymbekova, A., Gelabert, P., Bernardi, P., Han, S., Rattei, T., Schuenemann, V. J., Marques-Bonet, T., Guschanski, K., Calvignac-Spencer, S., Pinhasi, R., & Kuhlwilm, M. (2024). Screening great ape museum specimens for DNA viruses. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 29806.

Sasso, S., Saag, L., Spros, R., Beneker, O., Molinaro, L., Biagini, S. A., Lehouck, A., Van De Vijver, K., Hui, R., D'Atanasio, E., Kushniarevich, A., Kabral, H., Metspalu, E., Guellil, M., Ali, M. Q. A., Geypen, J., Hoebreckx, M., Berk, B., De Winter, N., ... Kivisild, T. (2024). Capturing the fusion of two ancestries and kinship structures in Merovingian Flanders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(27), e2406734121. Article e2406734121.

Guellil, M., van Dorp, L., Saag, L., Beneker, O., Bonucci, B., Sasso, S., Saupe, T., Solnik, A., Kabral, H., Allmäe, R., & others (2024). 2500 Years of Human Betaherpesvirus 6A and 6B Evolution Revealed by Ancient DNA. bioRxiv.

Keller, M., Guellil, M., Slavin, P., Saag, L., Irdt, K., Niinemäe, H., Solnik, A., Malve, M., Valk, H., Kriiska, A., Cessford, C., Inskip, S. A., Robb, J. E., Cooper, C., Planta, C. V., Seifert, M., Reitmaier, T., Baetsen, W. A., Walker, D., ... Scheib, C. L. (2023, Jul 19). A Refined Phylochronology of the Second Plague Pandemic in Western Eurasia.

Guellil, M., van Dorp, L., Inskip, S. A., Dittmar, J. M., Saag, L., Tambets, K., Hui, R., Rose, A., D'Atanasio, E., Kriiska, A., Varul, L., Koekkelkoren, A. M. H. C., Goldina, R. D., Cessford, C., Solnik, A., Metspalu, M., Krause, J., Herbig, A., Robb, J. E., ... Scheib, C. L. (2022). Ancient herpes simplex 1 genomes reveal recent viral structure in Eurasia. Science Advances, 8(30), Article eabo4435.

Guellil, M., Keller, M., Dittmar, J. M., Inskip, S. A., Cessford, C., Solnik, A., Kivisild, T., Metspalu, M., Robb, J. E., & Scheib, C. L. (2022). An invasive Haemophilus influenzae serotype b infection in an Anglo-Saxon plague victim. Genome Biology, 23(1), Article 22.

Guellil, M., Rinaldo, N., Zedda, N., Kersten, O., Muro, X. G., Stenseth, N. C., Gualdi-Russo, E., & Bramanti, B. (2021). Bioarchaeological insights into the last plague of Imola (1630-1632). Scientific Reports, 11(1), Article 22253.

Pfrengle, S., Neukamm, J., Guellil, M., Keller, M., Molak, M., Avanzi, C., Kushniarevich, A., Montes, N., Neumann, G. U., Reiter, E., Tukhbatova, R. I., Berezina, N. Y., Buzhilova, A. P., Korobov, D. S., Suppersberger Hamre, S., Matos, V. M. J., Ferreira, M. T., Gonzalez-Garrido, L., Wasterlain, S. N., ... Schuenemann, V. J. (2021). Mycobacterium leprae diversity and population dynamics in medieval Europe from novel ancient genomes. BMC Biology, 19(1), Article 220.

Cessford, C., Scheib, C. L., Guellil, M., Keller, M., Alexander, C., Inskip, S. A., & Robb, J. E. (2021). Beyond Plague Pits: Using Genetics to Identify Responses to Plague in Medieval Cambridgeshire. European Journal of Archaeology , 24(4), 496-518. Article 146195712100019.

Guellil, M., Kersten, O., Namouchi, A., Luciani, S., Marota, I., Arcini, C. A., Iregren, E., Lindemann, R. A., Warfvinge, G., Bakanidze, L., Bitadze, L., Rubini, M., Zaio, P., Zaio, M., Neri, D., Stenseth, N. C., & Bramanti, B. (2020). A genomic and historical synthesis of plague in 18th century Eurasia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117(45), 28328-28335.

Seifert, M., Cooper, C., Keller, M., Guellil, M., & CL, S. (2020). Der Pestfriedhof des 17. Jahrhunderts. In L. Burkhardt (Ed.), Domat/Ems Sogn Pieder: Vom frühmittelalterlichen Herrenhof zum neuzeitlichen Pestfriedhof (2 Bände) Edition Somedia.

Ottoni, C., Guellil, M., Ozga, A. T., Stone, A. C., Kersten, O., Bramanti, B., Porcier, S., & Van Neer, W. (2019). Metagenomic analysis of dental calculus in ancient Egyptian baboons. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 19637.

Jarve, M., Saag, L., Scheib, C. L., Pathak, A. K., Montinaro, F., Pagani, L., Flores, R., Guellil, M., Saag, L., Tambets, K., Kushniarevich, A., Solnik, A., Varul, L., Zadnikov, S., Petrauskas, O., Avramenko, M., Magomedov, B., Didenko, S., Toshev, G., ... Villems, R. (2019). Shifts in the Genetic Landscape of the Western Eurasian Steppe Associated with the Beginning and End of the Scythian Dominance. Current Biology, 29(14), 2430-2441.e10.

Namouchi, A., Guellil, M., Kersten, O., Hansch, S., Ottoni, C., Schmid, B. V., Pacciani, E., Quaglia, L., Vermunt, M., Bauer, E. L., Derrick, M., Jensen, A. O., Kacki, S., Cohn, S. K., Stenseth, N. C., & Bramanti, B. (2018). Integrative approach using Yersinia pestis genomes to revisit the historical landscape of plague during the Medieval Period. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(50), E11790-E11797.

Guellil, M., Kersten, O., Namouchi, A., Bauer, E. L., Derrick, M., Jensen, A. O., Stenseth, N. C., & Bramanti, B. (2018). Genomic blueprint of a relapsing fever pathogen in 15th century Scandinavia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(41), 10422-10427.

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Department of Evolutionary Anthropology

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