Detailed information
ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Harald Wilfing
Winter term 2024
300016 VO Transition Studies I
300426 VO Einführung in die Humanökologie - Humanökologie I
300508 VO Methoden der Humanökologie
Summer term 2024
300007 PP Projektpraktikum II: Humanökologie und Osteologie - (in 2 Parallelen)
300160 SE Spezielle Humanökologie SE
300357 VO Spezielle Humanökologie VO
300420 VO Populationsanthropologie und Demographie
Winter term 2023
300016 VO Transition Studies I
300426 VO Einführung in die Humanökologie - Humanökologie I
300508 VO Methoden der Humanökologie
Bechtold, U., Stauder, N., Fieder, M., & Wilfing, H. (2022). Stuck in the Present: A Human Lack of Ability to Visualise (Different) Needs in the Future May Hamper Timely Implementation of AAL and Supportive Technology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(11), [6804].
Capari, L., Wilfing, H., Exner, A., & Haluza, D. (2022). Cooling the City? A Scientometric Study on Urban Green and Blue Infrastructure and Climate Change-Induced Public Health Effects. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(9), [4929].
Cepic, M., Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2022). Modelling human influences on biodiversity at a global scale–A human ecology perspective. Ecological Modelling, 465, [109854].
Sailer, A., Wilfing, H., & Straus, E. (2022). Greenwashing and Bluewashing in Black Friday-Related Sustainable Fashion Marketing on Instagram. Sustainability, 14(3), [1494].
Matiasek, K., & Wilfing, H. (2021). Evolutionary Anthropology, Colonial Histories and a Collection Reframed. In Das Museum im kolonialen Kontext. Annäherungen aus Österreich (pp. 81-98). Czernin Verlag.
Gudowsky, N., Sotoudeh, M., Capari, L., & Wilfing, H. (2017). Transdisciplinary forward-looking agenda setting for age-friendly, human centered cities. Futures, 90, 16-30.
Gänsbauer, A., Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2016). SoFISHticated policy - social perspectives on the fish conflict in the Northeast Atlantic. Marine Policy, 66, 93-103.
Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2016). Limits of Public Participation for Complex Policy Problems. Individual Freedom vs. Common Interest in the Context of Building Wind Energy Farms. Technology Centre ASCR.
Berner, M., Dick, A., Gohm-Lezuo, J., Kwiatkowski, S., Matiasek, K., Mihola, D., & Wilfing, H. (2015). Wiener Anthropologien. In K. A. Fröschl (Ed.), Reflexive Innensichten aus der Universität Wien: Disziplinengeschichten zwischen Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Politik (pp. 41-54). V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 650 Jahre Universität Wien - Aufbruch ins neue Jahrhundert Vol. 4
Matiasek, K., & Wilfing, H. (2014). Asymmetric Past – Mutual Future: Digitization and Dissemination of Historical Expedition Photography from the Collections of the Department of Anthropology. SHE.
Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). Freiheit und Verantwortung - Gedanken über den Freiheitsbegriff im Spannungsfeld nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 3-4/2014, 549 - 560.
Fieder, M., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). The Demographics of Aging in China and Europe. In Austria and Ciina. Societies in Change nwRecht.
Fieder, M., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2014). The Demographics of Aging in China and Europe – An Evolutionary Demographic Approach. Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag (NWV).
Wilfing, H., & Bechtold, U. (2012). The role of visualisation within sustainability evaluation processes. In Governance for Evaluation by Sustainable Development: Institutional Capacities and Learning (pp. 285-303). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
Kastenhofer, K., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2011). Sustaining sustainability science: The role of established inter-disciplines. Ecological Economics, 70(4), 835-843.
Kastenhofer, K., Bechtold, U., & Wilfing, H. (2011). Sustaining Sustainability Science: The role of established interdisciplines. Ecological Economics, 836-842.
Stagl, S., Rammel, C., & Wilfing, H. (2007). Managing complex adaptive systems - A co-evolutionary perspective on natural resource management. Ecological Economics, 63(1), 9-21.
Schäfer, K., Weber, G., & Wilfing, H. (2004). A celebration of Horst Seidler on his sixtieth birthday. Collegium Antropologicum, 28(SUPPL. 2), 3-6.
Ecker, K., Grünweis, F., Müllner, A., Sonnlechner, C., Wilfing, H., Winiwarter, V., Wrbka-Fuchsig, I., & Wrbka, T. (2002). Environmental histories: The long-term interaction of society and nature in three Austrian villages. Die Bodenkultur: Austrian journal of agricultural research, 53(Suppl.), 45-54.
“‘Plast(dem)ic’: Bridging Awareness and Action.”
Savannah Schaufler (Speaker), Tatiana Konrad (Speaker) & Harald Wilfing (Speaker)
6 Jun 2024 → 7 Jun 2024
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Department of Evolutionary Anthropology
Djerassiplatz 1 (UBB)
1030 Wien
Room: 5.138
T: +43-1-4277-54703